They say that you learn something every day. Let us help you with your quota.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

14 March 2013

We've all seen the majority of US television, and US news, and US politics. Most of us, like myself, are dumbfounded (perfect term) by the ignorance of, what appears to be, the entire population.
All we see, as foreign observers, is reality television, trivial daytime TV and the such. We hear stories of poor people opposing free healthcare, stories of evident propaganda and stories of excessive cults of celebrity personalities. 

Once in a while a US TV show comes along that changes our mindsets. The Newsroom is that show.
It is not only witty, well-rounded and objective, it serves as an omen against such things. The protagonist is a talented curmudgeon, disheartened and disgruntled by what the media has become. He feels the only one left with a passion for journalism, a thirst for objectivity.

Today's Daily Quota is the opening scene of the first season of The Newsroom.
Before it even went to air, it had already become one of the most popular opening scenes of all time, not to mention one of the most honest rants about contemporary American culture.

If you haven't already seen it, do so. Now.



  1. bro just wanted to say your blog has been so informative and enlightening. It's been such a joy reading through it :) keep it up!


  2. Thanks Paul, your feedback warms my heart.

    It's good to know that my reader base is expanding, and that each new reader sticks around.
    Share it with your friends if you'd like - the more the merrier!

    Remember, everyone is open for a contribution.
    If you'd like to share a topic of your choice, you know where to find me :)
