They say that you learn something every day. Let us help you with your quota.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

9 December 2012

A Sunday evening is either the ideal time for some existentialism; or the worst.
Pessimists might see it as the preliminary beginning of the week, while others may see the joy in the final moments of the weekend.

Whatever the case, I think today's quota is a fine way to end my first week of posts - by contemplating whether the effort invested into living is even worth it.
Now that your tongues are firmly in your cheeks, we can move on.

Hamlet's 'to be or not to be' soliloquy is arguably one of the most famous monologues of all time; and with good reason. It captures the protagonist Hamlet's struggle with employing rational thought whilst in a clear state of distress. Such execution of logic in such an ambivalent frame of mind is certainly beyond the realm of human capacity. So it must fall under fiction.
This duality makes it one of the most helplessly tragic pieces I've ever read.

Is living worth all the trouble, pain and mortal coil needed to make it through life?
When faced with adversity, what stops one from taking the easy way out and simply ending it all - surely that is the logical avenue?
Alas, it is the unknown that causes hesitation. And so we fall helplessly back to square one, our cosmic defiance ultimately defeated.
This is definitely one snippet of culture everyone must know.

Stay tuned for the topic of the week - Happiness!


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