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Thursday, December 6, 2012

6 December 2012

There are some areas of the Arts that are endowed with dozens, even hundreds, of prominent figures.
Painting has your Picassos, your Da Vincis; Writing has your Tolstoys, your Hemingways and Bukowskis; Music your Beatles, your Elvis Presleys and your Mozarts.

Then there are the more obscure areas of the Arts with only one or two prominent examples.
These people become legends in their field; so much so, in fact, that they grow to embody it, and become personifications of it.

Those of you who aren't familiar with Graffiti Art may nonetheless know who Banksy is.
Well, given his pseudo-anonymity, I'd be surprised if you knew who he actually was, but you know what I mean.
Banksy is a UK based graffiti artist, famous for his trademark style, his sardonic wit and his political activism.
Like Anonymous, he was one of the first of a new generation of activists with a very tongue-in-cheek approach to rebellion. He's particularly famous for his personification of rats as office drones, and his cheeky political commentary.

The link below is a nice collection of 80 of his works.


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