Drugs are a bet with your mind.

Lapham's Quarterly is a fantastic publication that I've recently subscribed to.
It's a quarterly magazine that tackles one topic each season. Previous publications have dealt with such issues as Magic, Celebrity, Food and The Future.
This extract is from its current issue on Intoxication.
In particular, it's an extract from Book IX of Milton's Paradise Lost - arguably the first Gothic piece ever written.
We all know the story of Genesis, of Adam and Eve and their fall from grace. We all know of Satan personified as a serpent, tempting the naive Eve, promising her enlightenment and truth, telling her 'Ye Shall be as Gods'.
This extract is Milton's take on that speech to Eve.
It compels her to bite into the forbidden apple from the tree of knowledge. He tells her not to fear the punishment of death, for instead she should strive for it - her death will be the death of a human, and in such a death, she will awaken as a god;
A persuasive argument.
Well kids, here is your daily bite of knowledge. Your daily quota of fructose. Your not-so-forbidden bounty from my ample bosom.
Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
—Jim Morrison. c. 1965
Lapham's Quarterly is a fantastic publication that I've recently subscribed to.
It's a quarterly magazine that tackles one topic each season. Previous publications have dealt with such issues as Magic, Celebrity, Food and The Future.
This extract is from its current issue on Intoxication.
In particular, it's an extract from Book IX of Milton's Paradise Lost - arguably the first Gothic piece ever written.
We all know the story of Genesis, of Adam and Eve and their fall from grace. We all know of Satan personified as a serpent, tempting the naive Eve, promising her enlightenment and truth, telling her 'Ye Shall be as Gods'.
This extract is Milton's take on that speech to Eve.
It compels her to bite into the forbidden apple from the tree of knowledge. He tells her not to fear the punishment of death, for instead she should strive for it - her death will be the death of a human, and in such a death, she will awaken as a god;
Why then was this forbid? Why but to awe
Why but to keep ye lo and ignorant,
His worshippers? He knows that in the day
Ye eat thereof your eyes , that seem to clear
Yet are but dim, shall perfectly be then
Opened and cleared and ye shall be as gods
Knowing both good and evil as they know.
A persuasive argument.
Well kids, here is your daily bite of knowledge. Your daily quota of fructose. Your not-so-forbidden bounty from my ample bosom.
Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
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