They say that you learn something every day. Let us help you with your quota.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

10 December 2012

Is the constant pursuit of happiness depressing us?

This week The Daily Quota is devoting seven posts in seven days to the topic of Happiness.
Are we happy? How is happiness (apparently) obtained, how are these observations collected?

How is happiness surveyed, quantified and studied in different areas of scholarship?
What is the relationship between fiscal health and mental wealth?
Economics, the humanities, spirituality, sports science and, ofcourse, psychology have all attempted to answer this question.

By the end of the week, everyone should have a much greater insight into what makes us happy, how happiness is studied and how these studies affect government policy.
You may not see this link yet, but rest assured that these studies have profound effects on the way you live your life, and the way that the government attempts to regulate life for your benefit.

Today's quota is a short little summary of the academia behind the study of happiness.
It even throws in a few examples of recent international initiatives.

Happy reading!


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