However, every joke seemingly holds a bit of truth. Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, best known for his role as Borat and Ali G, has exploited this fact to make a big name for himself - and with good reason.
After taking the absolute piss out of almost everyone Eastern European in Borat, he introduced his fourth major alter-ego with The Dictator.
While making an acerbic critique on Middle-Eastern dictatorships, he also manages to take another well-earned shot at US culture and politics.
Today's Daily Quota is the final speech from The Dictator.
Here, his glorious monologue tries to convince the American public of the benefits of being a dictatorship.
Funnily enough, each of these benefits seem to be well underway. Sweet, sweet irony.
In his words, "I know you Americans find this hard to imagine".
Ah Mr Cohen, you slay me.
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