They say that you learn something every day. Let us help you with your quota.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

16 March 2013

Philosophers, artists and writers often touch on the topic of choice - choice between moral and immoral acts, choice between a life of celibacy or debauchery, or between pleasure and virtue.
Yin and Yang, but with Free Will at play.

Ofcourse, life rarely works in such a dualistic fashion, but as humans we love acknowledging that black has a white, that yin has a yang.

Today's Daily Quota is a painting by Italian baroque artist Annibale Carracci.
It is titled The Choice of Hercules and depicts just that - the choice that the young Hercules had to make when presented between two life paths.

According to Xenophon's Memorabilia, a young Herakles (later known as the Roman Hercules) was sent to attend to cattle on the mountainside.
There, he came across two nymphs - Pleasure and Virtue - who presented him with an irreversible choice; 
A life of pleasure and excess, to be long forgetten, or a life of hardship and sacrifice, immortalized in memory.
He chose the latter.

Ah yes, a conundrum indeed. One that we all face - whether on a long or short term basis.
Perhaps a good painting to hang above your desk for those all-nighters?

A brilliant painting, a timeless concept, and a reminder that even demi-gods are not immune to sacrifice
Ah yes, a sardonic Saturday indeed.
Unless, ofcourse, you would rather choose the path of oblivion...


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