Buzzfeed is an American pop-culture page with a zest for list-making and huge amounts of internet traffic. If you scroll through the page, you'll notice that most of it is trivial crap.
However, every once in a while, they produce something of substance.
Today's Daily Quota is a Buzzfeed article titled 'Surviving Juárez: Growing Up in the World's Deadliest City'.
It contains Jeremy Relph's recount of his time in the Mexican town of Juárez, formerly murder capital of the world. It is now 19th, replaced by San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
Juárez, until recently, was embroiled in the midst of a Mexican drug war involving the Sinaloa Cartel.
Since 2007, the drug war has claimed over 10,000 lives, including women and children - in this relatively small city of 1.5 million. A city where 97% of murders go unsolved.
At the height of the drug war in 2008-09, one of the cartels, in a frustrated boast, painted a city wall saying, "There's No One Left to Kill".
This article is both chilling and optimistic. It paints a picture of a Juárez that is rebuilding from a horrible loss, not only of lives but of identity. Within this painting are portraits of some astounding individuals that are trying to their home town - Elsa trying to operate a public school, young Tania trying to find her feet after growing up in a street gang, and Alma trying to find her missing son.
The front pages of the main papers would contain a photo of bodies in a mass-grave, that would take up two-thirds of the page.
A blonde in her bra and panties would fill the remainder.
Lidia points out a house where a friend was killed, a gully where another was killed, a corner where she and her daughter were robbed. The neighbourhood is full of ghosts. Up on the mountain they used to dump bodies behind a water tank, she says. There are lights there now. These things are more real than the promise of school or the possibility of a future outside of the neighbourhood. "It's all illogical," she says, "the violence, the peace."
The photography provided for this piece comes from a Prime Collective contribution titled 'Life and Death in the Northern Pass'.
The photos are from Juárez, and are just as enjoyable as the recount itself, if not more so. A truly fantastic Daily Quota for you all today.