They say that you learn something every day. Let us help you with your quota.

Friday, February 8, 2013

9 February 2013

Another weekend, another Sardonic Saturday on The Daily Quota - where every silver lining has a cloud.
As fate would have it, I had only discovered of National Curmudgeon Day a week after it had happened. Curse the Gods, I would have made an event out of it!
If you don't already employ this word liberally to describe either yourself or others, you're about to start.


A bad-tempered or surly person.
niggard - miser - skinflint - tightwad

Well, better late than never. Today's Daily Quota is perfect for the occasion, and for our Sardonic Saturday - It's an article from The Week about the origins of the word curmudgeon.
What I love about this article is that it's littered with fantastic synonyms that can be used in every day conversation to describe people of ill-repute - scoundrel, malcontent, ninny, fool...the list goes on!

One a very important side note, is it me or is Oscar the Grouch based almost entirely on Diogenes?
They're both curmudgeons, they both live in a cylindrical contraption, they both exists for the sole discomfort of others, and they are both somehow loved and even respected by those around them.


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