They say that you learn something every day. Let us help you with your quota.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

3 February 2013

Superficial Sundays on The Daily Quota, where we pursue the trivial.

Today's link is a great one. We all love a good conspiracy theory - but the only thing better than a conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theorist. Henry Makow is one of the most vocal out there.
I mean, he's no David Icke, but he's still a lot of fun.

His website, (formerly posts an article every few days about topics ranging from Illuminati, Freemasons, Zionism, New World Order, Jews, homosexuals and many more. All your favourites are there.
However, his speciality topic is feminism; in particular, how feminism is a movement aimed at emasculating males, causing us to become 'pussified', rendering us unable to stand up to our overlords due to our own crapulence.

His feminism theory goes hand in hand with his take on homosexuality - a method of killing off the population by proliferating relationships that do not bear offspring. Also, again, homosexuality is there to emasculate the male and so on.
For instance, yesterday's post was titled 'When Did Gays Become Jews?'.

Admittedly, some of his posts are very well researched, and somewhat convincing. Who knows, he could be right about a few things. Although as it stands, probably not.
But until he's proven right, to the skeptics go the lols.


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