They say that you learn something every day. Let us help you with your quota.

Friday, May 31, 2013

31 May 2013

Welcome back to Filosophy Fridays for your Saturday mornings.

Today we look at a famous, albeit brief, motivational speech from the most Western Eastern philosopher in recent times. The Daily Quota has alluded to his work before, but this is a much more well-known speech.

It's called 'What if Money were no Object?' and it bascially asks that very question - if money were out of the equation, what would you be doing?
What would you like to be doing - either as a profession, or with the free time you have from not working as hard?

It's a simple question, but remarkably weighty in its requests. We often pick a comfortable lie over a harsh reality, and it is often because we're afraid of answering this very question...

Watch the 3-minute recording below and start your weekend with a dash of enlightenment.

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